Our Future Music was a 5-year, strategic programme designed to increase musical inclusion and embed effective, inclusive approaches to music-making across the south east. By working together, the 4 Music Hubs in the region (Create Music, Kent Music, Surrey Music Hub and West Sussex Music).
Collectively we had identified musical inclusion, including inclusive ensembles for young people with SEND and more inclusive, youth-led music opportunities in a diverse range of genres as areas that we wanted to develop. We wanted to create activities for, by and with young people who were not already accessing the Music Hub offer in their area and to do this, we needed to also co-design and co-deliver a workforce development programme, to ensure that more music leaders working within Music Hubs had the skills, knowledge and experience to facilitate music in a more inclusive way.
Participating in this programme significantly impacted the way we operate as Music Hubs, and on this website we have tried to share as much of our collective learning as we can. More detail can be found among the testimonials, case studies and resources; with our key learning summarised below:
To bring together partners from across the South East to address barriers to music making for children and young people (CYP) aged 0-19 with special educational needs and/or disability (SEN/D), in challenging circumstances and/or from economically deprived or culturally poor areas, in a collaborative, innovative and sustainable way.
To achieve musical, personal, workforce and organisational objectives.
Chaired by Dr Marusa Levstek, this podcast was created from conversations between OFM programme leads, music practitioners and young people taking part in the programme, discussing the benefits of working strategically across a region.
Tools and guidance, blogs and case studies from Youth Music to help break down barriers to music-making