Originally written as part of the OFM newsletter, music practitioners, partners and other stakeholders including parents/carers were invited to write a blog about an aspect of the OFM programme from their own perspective. Read them all here:

Future Music Blog

All of the latest news stories from Our Future Music.

Future Music Blog
"OFM has been a fantastic source of learning, collaboration and mutual support. Its members have an incredible depth of knowledge and experience and an open willingness to share that it has made my position as project lead of the Pier One ensemble so much easier. It has also been invaluable to work together in developing inclusive practice within our respective hubs – the chance to discuss, learn from and – where relevant – plan together has led to far stronger provision for inclusive music-making all round the South East. Although our initial funding has come to an end, all the partners in OFM are keen to continue meeting, sharing and working together. My hope is that this continuing collaboration will help to embed inclusive practice at the heart of all our hubs, help us to create more regular inclusive ensembles and projects, and inspire other hubs to explore and develop their own inclusive practice.”
Adam Bushell, Create Music Position