A curated collection of resources for music teachers/practitioners and leaders/managers, created as part of the Our Future Music programme.
Ways to structure group music-making over a term or course
Kent Music challenged the idea of 'what is an instrument’ and explain how working collaboratively and creatively as a team, accesible and inclusive opportunities can be provided for young people.
Together at Home: An After-School Music Club for Syrian Children - Tutor Team Project Summary
The OFM Intern Toolkit was established to be able to offer young people the opportunity to work inclusively with OFM to develop as part of the growing workforce. It contains a series of activities and a personal project as well as observation and feedback meetings. An overview of the toolkit is offered here. For more information and detailed templates and activity timetables, please contact OFM’s Strategic Lead, Emma Collins, on emma.collins@createmusic.org.uk
The skills grid shows the intern’s likely skills development and the types of activity they might do to support this. Key to this approach is that the OFM team will support the intern through a process of observation, supported and co-delivered activity prior to expecting the intern to undertake work independently. The skills grid provides a range of questions to support OFM to know whether the intern has reached the level of understanding or skill to move on to the next step.
It is anticipated that different interns will start the internship at different stages and will therefore progress across the skills grid at different rates.